Winter Hair Care Survival Guide 2025: How to Grow Your Hair Out This Season
Winter is here, and so is the battle against dry, brittle hair! The cold air outside and the heating indoors...

“My hair does not grow” 😭

Why is my hair falling out?
Is your hair falling out? You’ll want to read this! What to do when your hair line suddenly...

The real reason your hair just won’t grow past that certain point…
Did you know that poor detangling is one of THE leading causes of breakage?
This is something alot of people miss out on and wonder why their hair never grows past a certain point!
No matter what hair growth products you use (yes even our Best Selling Hair Growth Potion!) without a good detangling routine your hair will never grow to that waistlength goal or more.
This is something alot of haircare business may never address and just sell you product; which is like trying to put a bandage on an internal bleeding wound. It just won’t work. We need to address the root cause to actually see results
Contrary to popular belief your hair is growing every single second of the day, if you are not seeing results it is because it is simply because it is breaking off.

"My natural hair just wont grow, what can I do?" - Tackling Hair Breakage Series
"I've been natural for years and my hair has been the same length!"
“My hair is always breaking off at the ends!”
“My hair just won’t grow no matter what I do!”
Have you ever said any of these before? You are definitely not the only one.
Breakage is a cycle that if not dealt with, will never allow you to see any results.

Our Products Don’t Grow Your Hair!
Our Products Don’t Grow Your Hair! Yes, we sell product. But do you know what the problem is? Products do...